Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Discussion framework for Nakuru Regional Business Agenda

Nakuru Regional Business Agenda (RBA)

The Nakuru Regional Business Agenda is a product of the Business Membership organisations that are based on Nakuru and its environs. It has been developed to provide a forum through which the private sector in Nakuru and its environs can articulate key concerns affecting them in various ways and which also contribute to the high cost of doing business. These are the issues which the private sector feels the Government should tackle in order to deepen investments and enable the business community play its key role of wealth and job creation.

The intention is to make the process of developing business concerns and having roundtable meetings with the Government regular. This is aimed presenting a unified voice of business to the authorities and complement advocacy efforts of individual Business Membership Organisations (BMOs)

The organisations that have been involved in this endeavour are:
Budget Hotels Association; Central Jua Kali Association; Create Africa; Federation Of Kenya Employers/ Agricultural Employers Association; Hindu Council; Kenya Association Of Manufacturers; Kenya National Alliance Of Street Vendors & Informal Traders Association; Kenya National Chamber Of Commerce And Industry; Nakuru Business Association; Nakuru Citywide Resident Association; Tenants Association

Nakuru’s business community wants the Government “to consider investors in a positive way”. This, it says, is the only way in which investments in the town can be deepened, in the process creating jobs for thousands of unemployed youth and fostering development in the region.

“It is no longer fun to invest in Nakuru because of the high cost of doing business with regard to every aspect including poor power supply, water problems because the council does not supply water and corruption among others,” says Spin Knit Ltd’s Mr. Jayesh Shah, who is also KAM Nakuru Chapter Chairman.

Most of the problems bedevilling Nakuru town have been attributed to poor planning by the planning department and the sudden increase in the town’s population following the 2007/08 post election violence.

The Nakuru Regional Business Agenda identifies six priority areas that should be worked on in order to deepen private sector development in Nakuru town and reduce the cost of doing business. These six, are the main challenges facing the towns business community and greatly hindering development.

Apart from identifying these six challenges, the Nakuru RBA also proposes actions and possible solutions to these problems if Nakuru is to have a conducive environment for increased investments and wealth creation.

The problem areas are as follows:
a. Provision of adequate and efficient infrastructure and Labour laws
b. Fighting crime and insecurity
c. Land rates and valuation
d. Corruption
e. Service delivery by the Local Authority
f. Environment

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