NBA links up with NCBDA

The Nakuru Business Association's board members on Tuesday 27 September held a meeting with the Governing council of the Nairobi Central District Bussiness Association. Among the issues discussed were:
Recognition of business and neighborhood associations into the new law as a key step in having these authorities cooperate as matter of law and not just by choice therefore support of full implementation of the same should then be a key objective for the organizations. The importance of strong membership bas association as key feature was recognized since legitimacy and authenticity of the association largely depended on the number of press is persons represented.
In the two hour afternoon meeting at the Laico Regency key leanings from each other were highlighted as:
Fewer committees as better for efficiency purposes based on priority areas of the associations
A lot more Involvement of the press since this builds the visibility and credibility of the associations by publicizing it’s efforts and promoting its objectives.
 power to do business with each and their viability would to a large extend be determined by the level of  integration of constituents.
The need also for members of both associations to be interlinked through their associations as great function to also be served by this cooperation
The importance of continued promotion of integrity amongst our memberships’ business processes was also an area identified as our key role of business associations in the fight against the corruption menace.
Both associations recognized their shared goal of stimulating healthy business sector and creating a focused business investment opportunity. Furthermore our achievements will be based on concrete push for better governance in these regions. We are
The need to amalgamate efforts of business association was also discussed pointing that there are opportunities brought forward by devolution since the counties are new entities that will present a more localized decision making structures that will provide wider areas of exploring and increased business opportunities.
The exciting meeting wa hosted by a strong delegation from NCBDA led by :
Mr. Timothy Muriuki –chair, Mr. Robert Foulser-treasurer, Mr. Lucas Gimona- Ceo, Ms. Evelyne Rono -Board member
The delegation from NBA  was led by the chair Boniface K. Muhia and his Vice chair J.S. Shah also in attendance were board members Catherine Aouwsterwick and Grace N. Wanjohi and the CEO Thomas Kaberi-